Our Lady of Perpetual Light Catholic Chaplaincy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife is a Catholic Parish under the auspices of the Catholic Diocese of Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Our mission is to bring every human person to obedience of the Gospel and Salvation in Jesus Christ.
Existing Devotional Groups
- Sacred Heart of Jesus & Immaculate Heart of Mary
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Companions of Priests and Religious
- Legion of Mary
- Divine Mercy
- Mother of Perpetual Help
Small Christian Community Apostolate
There are seven (7) Small Christian Communities in the Parish. These are: Mount Zion, Mount Sinai, Bethel, St. Raphael, St. Michael, Shalom and Canaan. They meet fortnightly based on individual community’s schedule. While some are meeting regularly and are doing excellently well, some are not so active for various reasons, especially coverage area and leadership challenge. Their revival and effectiveness is being taken seriously. The Parish yearly SCC programme starts with opening Masses and rounded off with Masses and the get together at each of the seven Communities.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
The Parish Pastoral Council is Canonically set up in the Church as a consultative body in the pastoral efforts of the Chaplain to shepherd the flock of Christ. It has a number of committees to enable it work effectively for the growth of all. The present Council was Commissioned in January 2019 and it comprises 30 members including the two Priests.
Meetings are held on the third Sunday of every month and minutes are sent to the PPC WhatsApp platform some days before the meeting day. There is always a recollection immediately after morning Mass the Saturday preceding the meeting Sunday. The various committees under the PPC have so far been passionately committed to the life of the Parish Community. These are Evangelization, Liturgical, Education, Welfare, Marriage and Family Life, Building and Maintenance, Social Communications, Harvest and Finance Committees.
- PPC Chairman: Prof. S. S. Ogbogu
- Vice Chairman: Dr. Mrs. M. O. Salami
- Secretary: Mrs. P. A. Okoroafor
Lay Apostolate Organisations
1. CATHOLIC MEN ORGANIZATION AND CATHOLIC WOMEN ORGANIZATIONThese two Organizations have remained strong and active in the overall pastoral growth of the Parish. The commitment and the contributions of these two Organizations to the general wellbeing of the students is very much appreciated Since there are no societies in the Chaplaincy, issues and requests are channeled through these two groups.
- Prof. V.S. Alumona (CMO President)
- Dr. (Mrs.) Akinola (CWO President)
The young Catholic students – members of the Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students – are truly active and alive to their responsibilities and the Catholic faith. Its members form the life wire of the Chaplaincy as they are readily available for everything and always ready to be challenged.
They have remained faithful and committed to their attendance at Masses and the weekly Tuesday’s Fellowship. It is noteworthy that the Federation mentors and supports the students at the Pre-degree Campus in Moro. The Federation’s programmes/events are the following: Weekly Fellowship, Brothers and Sisters week; Dream seminars; NFCS fresher’s Orientation programme; NFCS week; Cultural Day/Mass; Success Mass and the annual Sports Fiesta.
- Current NFCS President: Mr. Julius Adeolu Oyeniran.
The Catholic Post Graduate Students’ Fellowship is another vibrant group in the Parish. The CAPS fellowship features the following progrmmes/events: Weekly fellowship; Marriage seminars; Retreats; Weekly sporting activities, and end of the year get together.
- CAPS President: Mr. T. Ayogu
The Parish Youth group is not as active as expected due to the fact that majority of the expected members are already active in NFCS which makes more sense to them. The challenge now is that the would-be members are very young and depend on their parents for movement either from the quarters or from the town. Efforts are being made by the Pastoral team to work out things to facilitate their proper existence and functionality.
This is a group of dedicated NFCSers working in the Sacristy and serving at all Masses. They set up whatever is necessary for Masses, as well as keeping the Sacristy, the Vestments, the Sacred Vessels and the Sanctuary clean and tidy. They are highly resourceful and committed. They are also responsible for booking of Masses and keeping weekday collections which are submitted every Sunday.
This is a group through which the children of below 12 years are catered for so as to help them grow spiritually at their own level. A number of mothers are committed to forming and mentoring them in faith and helping them to grow in the knowledge of God. Every Sunday, they hold private service of the word with them for about 45 minutes before they are allowed to join the community Eucharistic celebration.
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