Sunday Reflections
(Posted: June 25, 2023.)
You are the Temple – Very Rev Father Thaddeus Ajayi 28th May 2023
The spirit can be used by anyone to speak to His People. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. We must... Read more
(Posted: March 4, 2023.)
Jonathan and Johnson were good friends. Few years ago, on Ash Wednesday, Johnson wen... Read more
Weekly Schedule of Mass & Activities
(Any changes will be communicated via the Announcement Section on this website)
* Sunday Mass >> 8:00 am & 5:30 pm
* Monday & Wednesday >> 6.30am & 5.30pm.
* Tuesday: 6.30am
* Thursday: 6:30 am & 6:00 pm
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From the Desk of the Parish Priest
You are most welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Light Catholic Chaplaincy at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in Osun State, South Western part of Nigeria.
The Chaplaincy is a one-Church Parish that caters for the Pastoral needs of over 500 students and 200 others in approximately 90 families. It is indeed a family Church where everyone feels at home and actively participates in the parish life. As would be expected, the Chaplaincy is students-focused since its establishment with the University in 1962. Nevertheless, it runs as a full parish and everyone makes effort to receive adequate spiritual nourishment. God has indeed been faithful and the people of God have been very cooperative and supportive to ensure that we grow together in the Faith.
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Chaplaincy Annual Harvest: Harvest of Divine Favour
Event Date: December 1, 2024.
It comes up 1st December, 2024. Join us as we celebrate the goodness and mercy o...
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Here are Photo Splash of Mothers Day Celebration at Our Lady of Perpetual Light Chapel, O.A.U. Ile-Ife
This was a Special Sunday at the Chapel Where we Celebrated our Mother day in St...
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Posted on: February 27, 2023.
Beloved in Christ, throughout this Season of Lent, kindly attend Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays...
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Our Leaders
May the Lord continue to guide our leaders in the faith as they work in God's Vineyard.

Pope Francis
Vicar of Christ and Bishop of Rome
Most Rev Dr. John Oyejola
Bishop of Osogbo Diocese
Rev. Fr. Michael Akinsode
Chaplain/Parish Priest
Fr. Stephen Ola
Assistant Parish PriestStay connected to Catholic Chaplaincy, OAU
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