Happy "Water" Sunday! Reflections for 3rd Sunday of Lent
Posted on: March 13, 2023.
Hello there! Happy "Water" Sunday. I hope my greeting does not meet you as a surprise. Worry not! I will give you a reason for my greeting.
Today, we mark the third Sunday of the Lenten journey for 2023. Do you also know that the third Sunday of Lent is called “The Water Sunday''? There are two reasons for this:
1. The readings of today are centered on water. The first reading was about the people of Israel who complained about intense thirst in the wilderness. The gospel reading had the encounter of the samaritan woman with Jesus at the well.
2. The third Sunday of Lent also marks the start of the activities for candidates for adult baptism that will be concluded on Holy Saturday.
This “water” is not the literal water we all know, but rather the Living Water.
Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Ajayi in his homily encourages us to use this lenten period to discover the gift of God in this living water. There are ways we can achieve that through the acronym DISCOVER.
D - Depend entirely on God.
I - Integrate with the word of God
S- Sanctify yourself
C - Come to the Lord
O - Obey God always
V - Value divine mercy
E - Encounter God
R - Respond to the call
As we journey through the week and this period of Lent, let us manifest the Gift of the living water in our daily lives. And remember to share this gift and love with the people around us. I wish you a glorious and grace-filled week ahead.
Till next time, bye.
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Posted on: March 13, 2023.
Hello there! Happy "Water" Sunday. I hope my greeting does not meet you as a surprise. Worry not! I will give you a reason for my greeting.
Today, we mark the third Sunday of the Lenten journey for 2023. Do you also know that the third Sunday of Lent is called “The Water Sunday''? There are two reasons for this:
1. The readings of today are centered on water. The first reading was about the people of Israel who complained about intense thirst in the wilderness. The gospel reading had the encounter of the samaritan woman with Jesus at the well.
2. The third Sunday of Lent also marks the start of the activities for candidates for adult baptism that will be concluded on Holy Saturday.
This “water” is not the literal water we all know, but rather the Living Water.
Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Ajayi in his homily encourages us to use this lenten period to discover the gift of God in this living water. There are ways we can achieve that through the acronym DISCOVER.
D - Depend entirely on God.
I - Integrate with the word of God
S- Sanctify yourself
C - Come to the Lord
O - Obey God always
V - Value divine mercy
E - Encounter God
R - Respond to the call
As we journey through the week and this period of Lent, let us manifest the Gift of the living water in our daily lives. And remember to share this gift and love with the people around us. I wish you a glorious and grace-filled week ahead.
Till next time, bye.
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